Lavish! Embroidery Sessions

Volunteers of all skill levels learn and use traditional embroidery techniques to embellish images of spectacular old growth forests in Kentucky that have been digitally printed onto silk organza panels for the collective art project, Lavish!

The Lavish! installation sculpture by Zoé Strecker is a long-term project that features community-embroidered images of natural communities and organisms in the forests on Pine Mountain in southeastern Kentucky. The printed silk organza panels, stitched by volunteers, hang within a circular, bent wood structure (22’ diameter by 10’ 4” high). Exhibitions include an active, embedded  embroidery studio where participants can learn and contribute to the collective work.

In 2019-2020, embroidery sessions were held twice a week in artist Zoé Strecker’s studio on Transylvania University’s campus. 

Some documentary photos from a 2018 exhibition in the Morlan Gallery:

View 360° exhibition images with installation soundtrack (Courtesy of Transylvania University communications office)

Here is the circular sculpture from the outside: #1 

This view is from inside the center of the sculpture  #2 

And this is a view of the embedded exhibition by invited artists from the Pine Mountain Collective  #3